



Today was fun day, not funny day!



This morning, I was skating in downtown. I was a novice ice skart, so I sometimes fell down.


First, I grabbed bar and was skate. After I tried meny times, I grasped the techniques of skate.


An hour later, I got my hands off of bar. I could stand on ice, but I could move forward.


Ice skate is fun. I was excited.



This afternoon, lesson started. Today's classroom was theater! Iwas surprised. Teacher is kindness. 


I talked about my pair person in lesson. I meant, it is introducing him.


After school, we did potluck*1 in college. We brought some cookies. Other host family brought pizzas, noodles, rice and more.I was happy to eat rice.


Then Mari who is my friend and her host mother gave a salute to my host mother and father. My host house and her host house is very close. It's three doors down. 


And I went to first costco. It's so big. I was surprised. We can buy everything that is foods, clothes, and electoronics in costco







*1:a meal to which each guest brings some food, which is then shared out among the guests  -Oxford dictionary