人皆罪を犯したるが故に死総ての上に及べるなり。 ロマ書五の十二 というエピグラフから始まる、 深淵/福永武彦(日本文学全集17)を読んだ。 この小説は、放火の罪を犯した男と、カトリック信者の女による交互の独白で構成されている。 まずは女の独白から…
2/14からカナダへ行ってきて、やっと帰国。 と言っても、もうすでに帰国してから6日ほどが経ってるけど。 留学したいなー、とか考え始めたのは夏休み前。 最初は中国行こうと思ってた。費用が安いし。 夏休み中はすっかりそんなこと忘れてたんだけど(実習や…
I went to berkeler that is very famous around downtown in Vancouver to eat breakfast. I took on seabus for west Vancouver with friends. We returned soon, and got on a skyline. We went to metropolitan city. I ate Mexican lunch. It was good.…
I got up at 5:00. We left for Vancouver. Kelowna was good place. We had sightseeing in Vancouver. We went to I ate Thai chicken that is on rice. I went for a cycle ride with friends. We visited Stanley Park.
Today is graduation ceremony! I graduated this college. I felt 1 month was very short. We sung country road.
We went to orchard park this morning.You went to there many times!I didn't buy anything.I ate frozen yogurt with my friends.It was very good.I did presentation in today's lesson.I must do presentation and write an essay in this program.I f…
ここで言うのもあれだけど、 3.11の個人的雑記が、週刊はてなブログで取り上げられたっぽい。 あれから4年 ―― そのとき何をしていたか、これから何をすればいいのか。東日本大震災に寄せて【はてなブロガーの声】 - 週刊はてなブログ あれから4年 ―― そのと…
I got up at 9:00. I prepeared presentation this morning. I went to college after I ate lunch. Today's lesson was last. We do presentation tomorrow and day after tomorrow. Host mother and father take me driving after dinner. I got car sickn…
もう「あの時」から4年の歳月が経つ。 当時、高1だった私は大学3回生目前に。 ちょっと自分のなかで「あの時」を振り返ってみたくてこのentryを書いた。 雑記は雑記であるので悪しからず。 確か、すでに定期考査は終わっていて、残りの授業は午前だけになっ…
I did line dance this morning. What is this? It's dancing in lines. It's that simple. We did for an hour and a half. I was tired. We learned food idioms on lesson. At last, about fashion finished. レミオロメン - 3月9日 - YouTube
Daylight saving time began from today in Canada. a.k.a summer time. the period during which in some countries the clocks are put forward one hour, …… (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th edtion) Maybe, Japanese is less familiar with i…
I went to orchard park today also. I don't know how how many times I went to there. I ate pizza at Montana's near orchard park. I heard that there has good taste rib. However, it was too expensive to eat rib, so I ate lunch menu. I was sup…
I had no activity in this mornig. So, I went to mission park to buy souvenirs for my friends. I bought some maple syrups and cookies at urban fare. Total amount was $51. It was too expensive! However, I must buy something good. It may be s…
I must write report in today so I write to end the report in this morning. We learned pronounciation of "th" in today's lesson. It is difficult for Japanese to pronounce sound of "th". And recently, we learned Canadian fashion but i have n…
We went to swimming this morning. That name is H2O. I was looking forward to play waterslider and surf a wave . However, both didn't open so we can't play them. We went to Mickey's pub. So, today is wings night. It was very good. I like it…
I got up at 7:00. I went to library to study first nation language. I must write report and talk about this. I haven't written yet. So I feel impatient. goodbye,
We went to silver mountain to skiing. It was after a long time of skiing. In this morning, we were skiing with instructor. It was difficult because it was a long time. I didn't eat lunch. I was skiing with friends. This skiing was together…
Today also I went to orchard park with friend. I bought backpack. When we go back home, we met our friend. So we went to mission park. We ate A&W hamburger. French fried potato was very delicious. I heard A&W was in Okinawa. So I want to go…
Today is last February. It is Saturday. I went to orchard park and downtown to buy tumbler. I bought adidas parka that is printed canada's design. I went to downtown after this. I bought iced Americano and salmon sand at diobean. And I ate…